Thursday, March 25, 2010

Message from the Knitting Gods . . . .

How do you know when the Knitting Gods are displeased because you are working on a project you have no business working on until more important WIPs get finished?

They pull your needle right off the damn cords!!!

Okay, okay, I get it.  Putting Hemlock Ring away right now.


kathy b said...

Arhhhhgh. Said like Charlie Brown!

Sarah said...

That happened to me recently, and my husband MacGyvered it back together -- he stuck a piece of wax paper over the end of the cable, jammed the needle point back on, and then cut the wax paper so there wasn't any sticking out. It worked like a CHARM. I intended to throw away the "broken" cable when I was done with the project (this happened literally on my LAST row of Just Enough Ruffles, when I had 600 stitches on the needle) but I forgot, and now I can't tell which one is the broken one!

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with JelliDonut. Sounds like a good excuse to go shopping.

knitseashore said...

You must be working very hard! I hope you can get a new needle soon, and keep on going!

Soto Sister said...


Sarah's husband's fix sounds handy! I've heard about this happening after awhile with the KP needles, but it's not happened to mine. Yet.

Zonda said...

I know your pain! Call KP, get a replacement and if you can, fix that one. It's looking good though!

Sonya said...

I hate it when that happens. But I still love those needles. I can't wait to see your Hemlock ring!

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