With that in mind, I thought I'd share some of my New Year's Resolutions. I've got quite a long list this year, so I won't post them all here. They are really more like goals rather than resolutions. And many of them are just a starting point. Small improvements to be met and then built upon to get things where I'd like them to be. I plan to visit my list often and revise the resolutions as the year progresses. But here's where they start . . .
- Complete a pair of socks each month for SAM - I've been lax at sock knitting (and knitting all together) lately. I want to get back to it in 2010.
- Knit one Christmas gift each month - I've joined this Ravelry group to keep me inspired and on track with this goal. It reminds me of the KAL I was in a few years ago where we knit a gift each month. It was so great to have a pile of hand-knit gifts tucked away when December came!
- Read at least one book each month - I used to love to read. Somehow I let knitting and
wastingtime on the computer lure me away from that hobby. - De-clutter - we've got a lot of stuff in our house that we simply don't need, and we have a serious lack of storage space. This will be the year I finally toss or donate what we don’t use or need and organize what we are keeping.
- Blog two or three posts each week - this is one of those early goals I hope to improve upon as the year goes by. My real goal would be to post every weekday, but I'm going to let myself start out slow.
- Comment on my friends blogs and get back to emailing replies to comments my friends leave - I feel like I haven't been the best friend lately (both on-line and in real life). More comments and emails are my way of showing my love to my poor neglected friends. Hopefully some of you have already noticed that I've been commenting more over the past four days?
- Lose 30 pounds - hopefully by July!!
- Eat at least two fruit and three vegetable servings each day - I'd eventually like to up this to seven total servings rather than five, but this is another one I'm starting out slow on.
- Exercise five times each week
The strange thing is that I always made to resolution to exercise more and stop biting my nails. I noticed my nails this morning as I was pushing the baby pram to put Marcus to sleep - turns out that I'd managed my two old list items without even trying! Other than that I plan to get up an hour earlier each day just so I can have an hour to myself to knit and probably watch a BBC Drama :)
I noticed your comments on my blog Karen and I love them!
Wow a gift a month. That's admirable.
2-3 posts a week! Im so happy.
Now I feel like I should go make a vegetable! I did give up bread a few months ago. I fell off the wagon today and had a BLT on rye......
I'd like to quit drinking Starbucks coffee and I'd like to eat at home more often.
Funny ... they are the same resolutions I made LAST year. Maybe I'll do better on them this year.
My resolutions are still forming in the gray part of my brain.. I'm letting them marinate a little.
I too noticed and appreciated the comment!
Some of those are mine..not that I'd put it in print, they are emblazed in my mind (or I can come back here to remind myself ;)
Happy New Year!
Great resolutions!! I haven't posted mine yet, but I will have similar ones too -- exercising and reading and knitting more! Oh, and that pesky job thing... :)
Have you seen book blog? Lots of suggestions for you there.
Kudos on the fruit/veggie goal. I eat at least six/seven servings of fresh produce daily and I have to say that I feel much healthier for it. Over the holidays when we indulged in starchy/carbohydrate/sugary treats of an evening, I'd wake up feeling all sluggish and cruddy the following morning. Happened twice - working to not let it happen again any time soon!
Good luck to you!!!
We have much in common!!
Good luck!
If you're interested, there's a Rav group called 52 in 52 where we try to read 52 books in a year. I made it last year but am not sure about this year!
Happy New Year!!!!
I"m right there with you on the commenting thing - and the keeping up wiht blogs in general. It seems like all of my time online is wasted with twitter these days....
wow you are the ambitious one!!! I agree with the reading. I was a BIG voracious reader and I've let it go. I don't seem to carve out enough time to read like I used to. I spend too much time on the computer as well, esp Facebook, blogs, and news sites. I used to spend the day reading on a Saturday, now I can spend the day on the computer. However, it's easier to be interupted on the computer than reading!
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