Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

Our traditional Christmas breakfast of coffee and cookies has been eaten.

The presents have been opened. Even K.C.'s - although she's scared of the whole Christmas experience and won't touch any of her new toys.   At least she cowered near the coffee table long enough for me to get this shot of her by the tree on Christmas morning.

Now we're off to my parent's house for more celebrating and feasting!  Hoping you and yours are having a wonderful day too!!


Heide said...

Merry Christmas Karen, Pete and K.C.

Melissa said...

Merry Christmas! Love the breakfast!

kathy b said...

Cookies for breakfast... ideal I'll say.

KC so funny . Didn'tyou give her paper to play on?

Sonya said...

Merry Christmas, Karen! I love your Christmas breakfast.

Anonymous said...

i hope you and yours had a lovely christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Your tree is soooo pretty. Hope KC is enjoying her new toys by now.

Elisabeth said...

We always have Christmas morning grapefruit and oranges with a cookie (they always come in our stocking--the fruit looks surprisingly like the FFA fruit that I always get the week before Christmas!).

sheep#100 said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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