Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Sweetpea!

Ten years ago today, Pea and I went on our first date.

Five years ago today, we were married.

I wonder how I ever got along without him. He's my biggest supporter and my best friend.  We laugh, we dance, we share.  And I can't wait to see what the next five years will bring!


Marissa said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Evy said...

Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more happy years together!

Zonda said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! Here's to many more!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! :)

Julie said...

Happy Anniversary!

Denise Bein Kroll said...

Happy Anniversary and many, many more!

Lynn said...

Happy anniversary!!!! Guess it would be safe to make him a boyfriend sweater now, huh? LOL

Qutecowgirl said...

Aweee so cute!!! Happy anniversary and to many more!!

Heide said...

Happy anniversary! You look so beautiful in your picture. Hope you celebrate in grand style.

Kym said...

Happy anniversary and many more!!

kathy b said...

Your dedication to each other is so evident on your blog. I hope you celebrate with all your hearts! So much more happiness to come!

Trina said...

I hope you have a lovely anniversary!

Sourire11 said...

Happy Anniversary!!! We're celebrating 5 years this October. It's amazing how quickly the time flies. Your wedding dress is beautiful, btw!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary with a wish for many, MANY more happy years together.

You were a beautiful bride with a handsome groom for sure.

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