Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Three more rows . . .

on the neckband and my big wool sweater will finally be done.

I'm off to commence ribbing, bind off, soaking and blocking. I WILL get this finished TODAY!!


Sourire11 said...

Yeah for finishing!!! Good luck!

Marissa said...

Hey, K, what's that awesome bag on the sofa behind the awesome sweater? Is that a knitting bag, or your purse? I am sort of drooling....
signed, a self-confessed bag freak.

Zonda said...

Yay!!! Hey, I love your new knitting bag too!

kathy b said...

You'll do it! I know you will. DO you need extra sugar when you are finsihing??????
Im with everyone else with the bag, wowza.
Is the sheet on the couch from your sweet Charile still or did you get a new kitty and you haven't told me.

Sonya said...

Go, Karen! I love that soft, heathery gray.

Ariel said...

Rock on with your finishing self!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I have that same bag!

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