My goal last month was to reduce my outstanding WIPs by one third. I had 10 projects going, so if I had only 6 there in December I'd consider it a success! Although I only finished two, I bit the bullet last week and frogged three. So I consider it a great success, as I am down to five things to finish up.
Sunrise Circle DONE!!
Ampersand Socks DONE!!
Blanket for Charlie - FROGGED!!
Pillars of Atlantis socks - FROGGED!!
Snowflake Shawl - FROGGED!!
Of course, December is not your normal month. It's CHRISTMAS KNITTING MONTH!! Although I've knit a pile of gifts as part of Holiday Headstart, I'd like to squeak out a few more small ones.
I also joined the Top 10 Stash Projects KAL. The idea is to choose 10 projects you will knit with stash yarn from December 1 to March 31. During this time, no yarn shopping will be done (with an exception for charity knitting or yarn to give as a gift).
Goodness knows I could knit endless projects with all my stash yarn, so it was easy to choose 10. It's a mix of Christmas knitting, those last five WIPs, and a few new things for myself at the end as a reward.
- Beaded Gloves from Handknit Holidays
- Swiffer Cover - pdf link
- Hats (does anyone have good suggestions for a chemo cap for a man?)
- Finish my Perfect Pie Shawl
- Finish Tahoe
- Finish the Casino Shawl
- Finish my Mystery Stole
- Finish up my Ribbed Socks
- More socks (I've got enough sock yarn to knit for years!!)
- Felted Bag (maybe Sophie?)

Whew!! December is always a busy month, so we'll see how far I get by January. I'm not going to put unrealistic expectations on myself . . . we'll just see how it goes.
I've been thinking of doing the same thing. I think I'll have better success with the challenge if I don't sign up officially. Let's hear it for stashbusting!
That hat pattern I got from ravelry was terrific--basic, but manly!
You'll knit right through December:0)
That KAL is so tempting! But I just can't commit to a deadline, is my problem. Maybe I should just set my own stashbusting goals...I certainly need *something* to keep me in check! I've had complete ADD and startitis lately.
Whew! I'm tired just reading your list! But if anyone can, you can!
Go for it! You can do it! :)
Frogging definitely counts towards your goal! That can be even harder than finishing for me.
Maybe it's just me, but that button for Top 10 just makes me want to buy more yarn :)
Woo hoo! Thats awesome :O)
I joined that top 10 stash projects too!!! I need to finalize my list though... I'll be posting about it soon, I must say most of mine needs to be finished by Christmas. And according to the top of your blog I only have 21 DAYS LEFT!!! AHHH i beter get going, get off this time eating computer and start knitting!
I couldn't do the stash total stash (when not influenced by the dreaded CT) usually remains pretty constant with a skein in , skein out policy.
I'm not sure how I am going to survive the temptation of all the hand dyed yarn next year!
I keep bringing myself back to the same projects for IT, and it is boring me silly...I have got to be more organised next year!
Go for it, Karen! sadly I'm too much of a major yarn addict to quit buying now:)
You did an awesome job reducing your WIPs, congratulations! There's quite a lot left to finish for you as it seems, but you sound so motivated that I have no doubt you'll be finishing one after one in no time!
Have fun with the KALs, they sound great!
Your lace work is simply and extraordinarily amazing. Charlie is too adorable. Let's keep him in the posts!
Augh...I was leaving you a comment and blogger crapped out on me. Grrr... went something like this:
ooooo...what a successful month you have had! Kudos to you for setting a goal, and sticking to it! Hurray Karen! Go you.
I love that KAL idea. I have to jump on the bandwagon and check that one out, hope you don't mind me "following" you. Haha.
That is a great idea. I never realized how much stash I had until I posted it all on Ravelry!
I can't wait to see what else you *squeak* out this month!
You are so organized! That KAL is a great idea for using up stash. I'm looking forward to seeing the Casino shawl progress.
As Sonya said - I am so impressed with your organization.
Good for you!
You're on FIRE, lady! My stash is out of control, so i'm looking for stashbusters that only use about 400 yards of sportweight. Not an easy task!
hmmmmm. I never thought of frogging as a way to get to completion. I'm going to ponder this.
Whew! That's some list! I hope you get a lot done. I love the idea of that KAL, just not sure I'd be able to stick with it, although I'm doing something similar for myself right now.
Uuugh Chrissie knitting. I think I will hate the site of knitted toys by the time chrissie is over. I am not even half way done yet!!
Gorgeous colours you are knitting there (as always).
that's a lot of knitting for a mere four months. Good luck!
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