I swear, I must have been unconscious for part of October, because I don't know how it went by so fast. Another Monthly Knit List to go over already? Here are the projects concerned.
Let's see where we stand:
- Finish the Casino Shawl - NOPE, not even close, as you can see from the upper left corner of the picture.
- Dig out and finish Sunrise Circle - Close, but not quite. That's it on the bottom, with two small side seams to be sewn, buttons to be attached, and loops to be made. Maybe tomorrow??
Finish that Market Tote I started in August.- DONE - you can see most of it in the upper right corner.- And, because October is Socktober, socks, socks, socks!! - Sort of. On the bottom you can see two pairs in progress. I'm on the second Ampersand Sock and almost done with the first ribbed sock.
Since I've adopted my Finish It or Frog It motto, I'm not going to do a formal To Knit list this month. My goal this month is to reduce my outstanding WIPs by one third. A quick look in my sidebar shows I have 10 projects going, so if I have only 6 there in December I'll consider it a success!!
What are you knitting this month? Are you thinking about Christmas knitting yet?
Lots of Christmas, but I, too, am trying to clean off a bit by the new year. To start, I made my Nov WIP list and moved a few things to the UFO list so I don't get distracted. That way something has half a prayer of getting done . . .
My major Christmas knitting is stockings for each immediate family member, with one being complete. And maybe a scarf for my MIL out of DH handspun. And maybe a scarf for my SIL.
But that's it. No other knitting for Christmas.
Looks like the Sunrise circle jacket won't be a wip much longer and the casino shawl is looking good.
I too want to finish up some wips this month. On top of the list is my Morning Glory Wrap which only has like 2 repeats left, my sons Dragon scarf, and finish a pair of socks for SAM. Aside for some dishclothes for the teachers I've decided to take a break this year from Christmas Knitting.
I'm thinking about Christmas. I'm freaking out about Christmas actually. :-)
I agree about October. There was an entire week in October were I kept thinking it was still the week before!
As for knitting, I keep trying to concentrate on my wips but keep finding more stuff to add to my queue on ravelry!
Well, get that Sunrise seamed! :)
I'm only knitting a penquin for DD and dishcloths for MIL...
I take it your next post will be a finished Sunrise???
I have a bunch of stuff on needles too that I need to finish. Send some motivation here please.
You're so right!! Where did October go?
Ooh, I can't wait to see your Sunrise FO pictures! I dunno about Christmas, I usually knit selectively (for my mom, for example) in order to not go insane. I just bought some yarn for a Backyard Leaves scarf for my godmother's birthday, which is in December, so I think that's going to eat up most of my time this month.
I agree too, October flew by. I am sure that you will FINISH a bunch of things soon so that you will not have to frog anything. Christmas knitting...I am knitting socks for my mom, brother, and his girlfriend (2 pair each in the ultimate goal). I am knitting a sweater for my neice and will start another one for SuperGirl (she knows hers will be last). Phew. My list gets longer though with every passing day.
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