Thursday, November 16, 2006

Did you spot the lie??

I've always thought I was a terrible liar, but maybe I'm not so bad !! Only one person guessed which one was the lie. (Did she spot the lie because she is my long lost twin? Or did she spot the loop-hole in the story with her savvy legal skills?) In any case, here are the real stories.

Pea and I met on a blind date . . . sort of. He was on a blind date with another girl at the restaurant where I was a waitress. As I waited on them I could tell it was not going well. I couldn't understand why, because he seemed so cute and nice. A week later he came back alone and asked me if I'd like to go out some time. And the rest is history! - This one was the lie!! I feel kind of bad, because so many of you loved this story of how Pea and I met. Some day I'll tell you the real story of how we met, which is also cute, but not as good as this one. And by the way, I am far too uncoordinated to have ever been a waitress!!

I've been on television several times. My most "famous" appearance was in a commercial - but only my legs were seen. The Statue of Liberty was photo-shopped to be wearing a mini-skirt, and my legs were dropped in! - Although this was the most popular pick as my lie, it is absolutely true!! (But I now have a complex about what you guys must think of my legs!!) It would help to recall that the job of 15 years that I quit last November was in the advertising department of our local cable company. My good friend was one of the commercial producers. He filmed me in front of a blue screen wearing short shorts, and my legs now belong to the Statue of Liberty. The commercial was for a varicose vein center. Apparently, once the Statue of Liberty had her varicose veins removed she could proudly shed the long, flowing skirt!!

My first experience with jury duty was quite an exciting one. While we were dismissed for our lunch break, there was a shooting in a nearby sandwich shop. I watched the shooter be chased down the street by the police and handcuffed to a light-pole. Several prospective jurors ended up appearing in court as witnesses to the shooting! - Oh yes, this is true!! The courthouse is in one of the most notoriously dangerous cities in Connecticut, and I was kind of nervous about the whole thing. My mom assured me it was perfectly safe during the day, and that the streets would be filled with business people. That is usually the case, and this was a once in a lifetime kind of thing - but it's just my luck that it would happen the day I was there! I also had a tough time getting home, because the street for the one route I knew was blocked off for investigation for the rest of the day!!

This little meme was a lot of fun . . . but don't worry, I think I'll stick to telling the truth.


Confessions of a Knitting Diva said...

I was wrong with both my guesses!! The true story just seemed too outrageous!! Have a good day!

Sonya said...

Well at least we know you don't have varicose veins! Now you gotta give the us the REAL how you met Pea story.

Elizabeth said...

The waitress thing had me wondering, as I knew you had worked for the cable company for a long time. Great story!

Now where's the picture of your legs?

Sourire11 said...

that was a really fun post! Thanks for sharing your stories!

Melissa said...

Wow! You are a really good liar! :)

Anonymous said...

What a lot of fun this post was - thanks so much for sharing these stories with us!

Ragan said...

Tee-hee. How did I miss the original post? Oops. :)
I had fun reading it just the same! Although, it would have been fun to guess!

Anonymous said...

sooooo...leg picture? ;o)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it was her savvy legal skills. She always knows when I'm lying........

Joanne M said...

hmmm, "most notoriously dangerous cities in Connecticut"... I think I'd have to guess that would be New Haven, Bridgeport or Hartford... Now, after living in New Haven for a year, I think it is lovely. Still, armed robbers on bikes holding up students in our neighbourhood was not the most pleasant environment to be in...

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