As promised, Pea and I went on a little trip yesterday to a not-so-local yarn store.We visited Modern Yarn!! From what I had seen on their web-site, I had a strong feeling I was really going to like this store. It was smaller than I had expected, but I still loved the selection.
The atmosphere of the store was great. They had tons of everyone's favorite knitting books for sale. Lots of pretty Lantern Moon needles and some great shawl pins. I was trying to behave and not buy too much - I'm supposed to be saving my money for Rhinebeck. I saw lots of tempting stuff, but in the end decided to only buy things not available at the yarn stores at home. I also reminded myself of all the sock yarn I already have, knowing full well the last thing I need is more sock yarn. So what did I end up getting???
Why, sock yarn, of course!! Was there ever any doubt? On top you see two beautiful skeins of Claudia Hand Paint Fingering in Turquoise Jeans. And along the bottom is a skein of Handspun on the Web. Is anyone familiar with this yarn? I had never heard of it before, but it was far to pretty to resist. The ball band doesn't have any information about where it is from, nor does it have a web-site. I also couldn't find anything when I tried to Google it, so if any of you are familiar with it, I'd love to hear.
I'm trying not to be too hard on myself for buying MORE sock yarn. After all, I figure it is preparation for next month, when it's time once again for Socktoberfest!! It was my duty to buy exciting new sock yarn in order to be a good participant, right? Right!! Anything to justify another yarn purchase!And to further justify my recent rash of sock yarn purchases, I've been working pretty hard on socks. I'm cruising through the foot of . . . um . . . I struggle with what to call these socks. You know, it's the "Karen's Sugar-Free Diabetes Walk Socks" pattern. To call them "My Socks" sounds too pretentious, and after all, Chrissy wrote the pattern so they are really her socks!! But to call them "Karen's Socks" sounds like I'm talking about myself in the third person, and that's just creepy. (George is getting upset!!) So maybe I'll just call them my Walk-A-Thon Socks!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Further enhancing the stash!!
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I don't see any problem with calling them "Karen's Socks". Or "Walk-a-Thon Socks". Or "Sugar-Free Socks". Either way they look nice! Will you be wearing your walk-a-thon socks during the walk-a-thon?
I have that same Turquoise Jeans Claudia's - it is SO pretty!
your socks look great!!
boy, that store seems seriously nice. i love a yarn store that's all spacious and organized. the one that is closest to me is literally crammed with stuff, and it is SO HARD to find things. nevertheless, i usually manage to find one or ten things that HAVE to come home with me. :)
The socks look great - love the green heel. And that brown and blue yarn is lovely!
Your Walkathon pattern is awesome. I like walkathon sugarfree socks. 3 syllables in each. I want that pattern
I'd love to go out (without 2 kids) and meander about in a yarn store... Ah, those were the days!
Love all the socks!
Is the really such a thing as too much sock yarn?
Great yarn! "Sugar Free Socks" or "Walk A Thon" socks sound good.
OMG! I was at Modern Yarns on Tuesday with my knitting group! I would have loved to have met you in person! We were there in the morning and then had lunch down the street. I had DD#2 with me since she wasn't feeling well. So we left Montclair by about 1:00.
That Claudia's Handpainted you got is gorgeous. I was eyeing that myself.
You could call them "I'm Walkin'" socks. You know, for the song, "I'm Walkin'".
I call 'em Chrissy's Karen socks. I finished one last night and I'm buzzing through the second. Snug fit; I love them. Beautiful sock yarn you picked up. Just amazing colors!
Love the Claudia's Handpainted! And love the Seinfeld totally made me giggle. I just joined Socktoberfest, even though I had no previous intentions to do it. However, I started knitting another pair of Rib and Cable Socks for a friend in Longhorn colors, and then wanted to knit a pair for my boyfriend, and plan to knit a pair for my mom...well, there you go.
Hee hee hee. I am so glad I had a moment to read your blog today. Oh how I have missed your humor! I love your yarn you bought! Peeerrrrrty (as they say here in the south). Love the socks, and also...the new banner! You are so creative!
I just read your comment on Olga's blog that said you passed the $1000 mark! Congratulations!!!!! That is incredible. :)
p.s. That yarn is v. gorgeous! Especially the mystery yarn on the bottom. Wow!
I love your sock heel!!!!! IT looks so terrific! And your new yarn is so pretty--you deserved it for spending a week in that lovely hotel!
Why I dyed that yarn of course... that's the ticket. I dye lots of yarn for swanky yarn stores. In fact, Queen Elizabeth ONLY knits socks for Phillip with my yarn. Actually, I knit Phillip's socks... and Tony B's too. But being a humble sort of person, I don't want to intimidate ya'll so I leave the labels anonymous. I also spin straw into fabulous gold lace-weight, but it's unavailable to all but Oprah and Melinda Gates (Bill's wife).
But seriously, one can never have too much sock yarn. And both the mystery yarn and the Turquoise Jeans are beautiful.
George likes his Kung-Pao spicy! Hee hee! And they are your socks, so call them whatever the heck you want! We're past the $350 mark and we keep tickin' upward...$500, here we come! Woo-hoo!
Oh, and nice yarn ya got there, too!
Hey...your banner is different again today. :)
I am working on my blog today (finally) and will get that link to the pattern on there. Grrr...I am such a slacker.
Hi! I was the person who was working at modern yarn when you came in. Like your blog! Here's the website for the handspun on the web sock yarn,
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