Friday, February 12, 2010

Will you be my Meowentine?

I'm cute and cuddly.

I'll keep you warm at night.  (By sleeping right on top of you - your arm may fall asleep under me, but that's a small price to pay for warmth.)

I'll make sure you get up on time in the morning.  (By laying down on top of your windpipe - trust me, that will wake you up good!)

I'll help you get plenty of exercise.  (Because I'll quickly shove all of my toys way far under the furniture.  You can burn tons of calories moving the couch and get plenty of stretching reaching under the entertainment center!)

I'm all about saving the environment by recycling and re-purposing.   (That's right, pine pellet cat litter also makes a great toy.  I'll toss as many pellets as I can out of my litter box and batt them all around the house!)

I'll make sure you are properly nourished.  (I ALWAYS know when it is meal-time . . . and I make sure you know it too!)
But  most of all, I'll let you know you are loved with my purrs and nuzzles and make your heart sing at the sight of my sweet little face.  And I'll never, ever get into your yarn.

What more could you ask for in a Meowentine??


Qutecowgirl said...

That is ADORABLE!!!!!!!! =) Totally made me smile!

Anonymous said...

Awwww!!! I have totally turned into a cat lover, and can relate to all of that!

I am curious what you think of the pine pellet litter? I am currently using swheat scoop, and plan to switch to the pine...

Anonymous said...

Very cute! What a sweet cat you have.

Emilee said...


Heide said...

Very sweet! I love my kitties too and after reading this I need to go find one and snorgle its tummy.

Zonda said...

What a cutie!!

kathy b said...

KC, you are a valentine sweetheart for certain!
The cats at irisheyes love to make the litter fly out of the boxes as far as possible. They think we like to walk on it in our bare feet and shriek in pain.....
so funny to watch us hopping around I guess!
Cricket loves you and sends you a Barkntine.

knitseashore said...

So adorable! KC, you have three kitties and one human here who would all love to be your Meowentine!

Here's hoping a little catnip came your way on Sunday. :)

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