Monday, July 13, 2009

How to spot a bad blogger . . .

Well, she would be the one who blogs more when she's away on vacation than she does when she's at home!

That's right.  My last three posts were brought to you by the magic of Blogger's Advanced Scheduling.  The posts were pre-written, and published themselves while Pea and I were off on a fabulous cruise for our anniversary!

St. Thomas 
Yes, I did take that picture!!  Click on it if you'd like to see the rest of our vacation photos.

It was relaxing.  It was sunny.  It was so much fun.  We ate great food.  We drank yummy drinks.  We swam in the pool.  We gambled in the casino. We went to the gym almost every day - to try and compensate for some of the food and drink.  My blood sugars didn't misbehave too much, aside from a few highs and a few lows here and there.  And I even got a little bit of knitting in.

But now that we've been back for a week, I guess I can't use the Getting-Caught-Up-From-Vacation excuse anymore.  This bad blogger had better start writing some posts again!


Lynn said...

What great pictures! Esp that main one you have on the blog. Gorgeous! What a beautiful place. And how funny you found a yarn shop! Did you buy anything?

Sonya said...

Beautiful pictures! I love your black dress. Looks like you guys had a great time.

Anonymous said...

Looks like y'all had a good time!

Zonda said...

Great pictures! Looks like a fun time :) I too love your black dress!

Marty said...

Isn't that blue Caribbean water just fabulous?! We had a low budget cabin-one of these times we'll have to go all-out and get a balcony. Never thought I'd like cruising, but it's a blast!

Evy said...

You are such a lucky girl, I'm so happy for you! Hope you really had a ton of fun!

knitseashore said...

Happy belated anniversary -- what a gorgeous way to spend it! Bermuda is so pretty; that water just takes my breath away. I haven't been to the other islands but they look just as lovely! So glad you and Pea had a great time.

Hope KC is doing well now that she's back home!

Anonymous said...

looks like a great trip! love your pictures.

sheep#100 said...

Welcome home, you guys.

I used to be disappointed that other blogging software scheduled posts but Blogger didn't. Welcome to the 21st century, Blogger!

kathy b said...

Lovely picture on the post. GOing to peek at all the others now. You even got some knitting in? Perfect. Well deserved. I think I want a yummy drink now while I am on vacation.......any suggestions?

Chelle said...

Oh, that looks so lovely! One day soon Joe and I hope to get away to a place that looks like that.

Glad you had a great time and Happy Belated Anniversary!

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