Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fun with cotton . . .

Okay, so I failed my "post every day this week" goal by missing yesterday. Blame it on a Turkey Hangover. But to make amends, today's post has two quick and inexpensive gift ideas in one! Bring on the cotton.

Melissa suggested making washrags for some spa-themed gifts. What a great idea. There are tons and tons of washcloth / dishcloth patterns on Ravelry. Pair them up with some fancy soaps and you've got a nice little gift. Or tuck them into a basket of home baked goodies for a kitchen inspired gift.

Peanut suggested tawashi. Okay, I didn't know what a tawashi was, so Wikipedia to the rescue. Ah ha, little Japanese inspired scrubbies. Perfect for the kitchen or the bath too. She recommends the Wishy Washy Fishy Tawashi as a fun knit. Tee hee, I want to knit it just so I can say the project name over and over.

Need more cotton inspiration? How about these adorable holiday themed balls of Sugar n' Cream?

I found them in the craft store the other day, and snapped them up as part of the Crafty Gift Idea Contest prize. If you've submitted a suggestion, these may be on their way to you soon!


Jennifer said...

Great idea! Happy knitting.

Melissa said...

I wonder if you can order those colors online?

kathy b said...

thanks for the real life reminder! Im going over to the Crafty Gift Idea Contest.

Anonymous said...

I've made 20 or so dishrags for Christmas so far. I've seen the special green and white in Walmart in the Peaches n Cream brand. I've gotten hooked on the circular dishrag. Not too tough, but knitting in the round keeps it interesting. I did an internet search for "round knitted dishrag" and found the pattern. Great fun!

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