Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sunrise In Boston

So yes, it's true, over a year after casting on, I finally finished Sunrise Circle on the morning we left for the cruise. It worked out well, because it was COLD in Boston and this is a thick, warm sweater. Unfortunately, Pea got more scenery than sweater in my modeled FO shot.

And then, of course, the batteries in the camera died. Yes, I know, they do sell batteries in Boston. I don't know why I didn't think to stop and buy some. Must have been those impending flu germs messing with my brain. But he did get a nice shot of the farmer's market in Copley Square, didn't he? I think that's the library behind me too - right Ariel?

I tried to crop the picture some, so you can sort of see the sweater. (You can also see all the pounds I gained from the cruise ship food. I'm back to salads and walks on the treadmill, I can tell you that!!) Oh, and notice me holding the leather coat behind my back? It was cold enough for the sweater and the coat.

Sunrise Circle Jacket by Kate Gilbert (pdf link)
Cast On: 4 March 2006
Completed: 4 November 2006
Yarn: Karabella Soft Tweed - Cranberry (about 8 balls)
Needles: Denise Circulars, US6

I'm pretty excited about how this sweater came out. It's the second "real sweater" I've ever knit (I don't count the shrug or Picovolli as "sweaters") and it fits pretty good. The sleeves are long, but I think the pattern was written that way. They are long in a good way - they kept me warm without getting in my way.

I enjoyed knitting the sweater except for one thing . . . . the Denise Needles. I bought these long before KnitPicks Options existed, and while I liked the idea, I hated the needles themselves. Thank goodness KnitPicks came along and rescued me! Now that this sweater is done, I plan to get my Denise set on Ebay.

The pattern was so much fun to knit. It's got a really unique construction, where you knit the sleeve and then use strategically placed increases and decreases to make the circles rise from the raglan. I'm a fan of Kate Gilbert's designs, and based on the way this pattern was written, I'll certainly be knitting more sweaters by her. In fact, I think I have a few already in my Ravelry queue.


Chrissy said...

It looks beautiful on you!

Anonymous said...

I laughed and laughed at your husband's FO shot! He didn't get the point, did he :o) The scenery is beautiful, though! The sweater is great! - one of the nicest fits I've seen.

Jenn said...


Jennifer said...

Very pretty! You did a great job. I don't like my Denise's either. The plastic feel just doesn't appeal. Hey, that rhymed!

Spincerely said...

Very nice! Great color and it looks nice on you. Don't you just love Karabella Soft Tweed?

Zonda said...

Yay, we finally get to see it!
Nice job! :)

michaele said...

Cute! I've learned not to let my DH take the pictures - even though he's a far better photographer than I. He just doesn't get the "I need a picture of the yarn/FO" thing. ;)

Sonya said...

Great sweater, Karen! Kevin does the same thing until I tell him to zoom in on the sweater. I really love the color you picked. I think I'm going through a red phase.

Wannabe said...


The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Love it, esp. the color!!

Olga said...

It looks beautiful on you! Yay! I've been waiting for this picture. I don't think the sleeves look long at all.

That is funny about Pea's picture. I've had my friends take FO pictures (in the lovely outdoors), only to go back home and take another set myself using the self-timer because the others didn't get close enough, or frame the shot the way I wanted. Maybe I see a tripod in my future? :-)

Melissa said...

I love it!! :)

Sourire11 said...

That's an awesome sweater!!!

jessica said...

So pretty! Maybe he needs the deffinition of a FO, ;O) hehehe. It really dose look lovely on you!

Anonymous said...

It looks GREAT!! It is SO much better on you than the pics in the magazine!!

Jessica said...

Yay! It looks great! What a great color for you.

And I had to laugh. Boys just don't get the FO pic thing, do they?!

somebunnysloveDOTcom said...

I hate it when camera batteries die at the most opportune moments! Sorry I missed you in Boston. Next Saturday, I am taking a day off from Ravelry and meeting folks in Mystic. Woo-hoo, I'll actually be in CT!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures Karen! I think the sweater looks fab (Using a magnifying glass), would you recommend it as a knit?
Most of the ones I have seen are not that fab, but yours has changed my mind! It looks like a nice warm cardigan and just right for the foul weather we are having at the moment.

Ariel said...

I love that library building, but it's even prettier when knitters and their fetching handknits are posed out front. Great sweater!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh - you look fantastic in that jacket, and the jacket looks fantastic on you! You know, I've always wanted to try that pattern but have somehow forgotten about it - now that I saw its beauty on you, I immediately went and searched for the pattern, I just need the right yarn for it now! ;) Ahhh, the greediness - "want that too" ;)
Plus - the color that you chose suits you perfectly - it's so warm and calm and looks fantastic with your hair! Perfect choice!

Anonymous said...

That is adorable on you - great job!

~Kristie said...

Absolutely beautiful! I think you look great and the color of your sweater is perfect for you. I'm glad you were able to finish it in time for your trip since you definitely needed to stay warm.

Never ask a man to do a woman's job, huh? We love them anyway though.

Julie said...

Dropping you a comment since your spam filter won't let me reply to your email- I couldn't mention on the blog because the giftee reads but the Shetland Triangle was a rather boring knit. I love how it turned out but won't be making another. Gifted it *just* in time too as her baby was born last night and we won't be seeing her for a bit I suspect. :) Thanks for the lovely comment.

Heide said...

Your sweater is beautiful! Glad you had a great time.

Kym said...

cool sweater- the color is gorgeous!

where is that in boston? it looks so pretty.

Ragan Knits etc... said...

Your Sunrise Circle Jacket looks wonderful on you! I love the color even more now that you have modeled it. Great choice! Now I have to go look at your Ravelry and see what you will be making next. I guess having the right needles can make a world of difference. And, the scenery looks nice too.

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