Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Poor neglected sock . . . .

poor neglected sock

Doesn’t my sock look sad?  I can’t say that I blame her.  She’s been on the needles since May, but as you can tell, she hasn’t seen much action.  Her heel hasn’t even been turned.

She was mildly excited last weekend when she boarded a train bound to New York City and accompanied me to BlogHer.  The other WIPs languishing on my needles were so jealous because she was the chosen one.  But who is laughing now?  Neglected sock returned home having grown barely an inch.  She spend most of her trip tucked inside my purse, which was locked in the hotel room safe.

I know, I know.  It really isn’t fair for me to tease my projects like this.  They deserve better than to be left feeling unloved and unwanted.  But at least they’ve made it on to the needles.  They are fairing better than the piles and piles of skeins and balls of yarn in the craft room – wondering if they will ever feel the glory of becoming a WIP.

I keep telling myself it isn’t my fault.  That nobody can stand to knit during the blistery weather we’ve been dealing with.  But the yarn isn’t buying it . . . and frankly, neither am I.  We’ve both noticed no lack of projects, progress and FOs on our favorite knitting blogs, despite the tropical temps.

Poor neglected sock . . . I have failed you.


Walden said...

Console the sock that as cooler weather arrives, you and her will spend more time together.

Zonda said... think it's time to give that poor sock some TLC and make it up to her ;)

Sonya said...

Never fear, poor sock. September is just around the corner! And once winter comes and you're getting worn all the time, you'll be wishing for the inside of a NYC hotel room safe.

Vicki said...

I'm impressed by your run!!!!! wow, you must feel so good.
I love the kitty things signature:
I've seen it before on a teacher site and wanted to copy it.

knitseashore said...

Poor sock! Does it have a mate waiting for it?

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